
The Invitation 2009

Friday-Saturday, September 18-19 there will be a conference hosted by Faith Ministries in Fredericksburg, VA, titled The Invitation 2009: The Healing of a Woman's Heart. I will be sharing my testimony Friday evening and co-teaching a workshop on Saturday morning and afternoon. Please check out the website for more info...if you're local please consider attending. Scholarships are available!



Joy...at last

Aunt Bekah with her Hiro

After a nearly two year absence from the blog world, I've felt a release to begin writing again. I could say a lot of flowery things or make a lot of clever statements, but in the end all I can say is that in the last two years God has been faithful to me. That is such a simple thing to say...and so tossed around...oh the hypocrisy with which I tossed it around! But these days, not even two hours pass when I do not feel such thankfulness to my God who has been faithful to me.
Though I'm keeping my blog title, I'm not in Bosnia anymore. In fact I've been Stateside for nearly two years, but Bosnia and East Europe continue to hold a special place in my heart, and I know that there will come another day where I'll make that trip across the big pond...but for now I'm very content to be home...to be Aunt Bekah (or "Gogox," as the nephew calls me--not really anything close to "Bekah," but don't fault the kid for trying!), and to be near to the family who've prayed me through many many rough waters, and who've been faithful to every end, and dear friends.
More soon.



...that I changed the settings on my blog without prior notice...in a week, i'm going to close this blog--at least for a season. it started with bosnia, and now that i've left, kafa is due for a makeover. thanks for reading and see you on here later.


Leaving Sarajevo

Pictures from my going away party last Tuesday--lots of memories in this flat: Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas Eve, New Years' Eve, birthdays, movie nights, girl nights, American nights, Swedish nights...and this was the last gathering in Grbavicka 62, tear...

Sardine fellowship: Enisa, Miki, Lana, Boro, and I want to see how much we can squash ourselves

Lana, Hana and I just got pinched or something

Neso (nay-sho, right) with 2 yanks: Eric and Bekah

We are reaching out to you (Vedrana and me)

Hanna, Vedrana, Senka, Mirela, Claudia, Lina, Belma, and me

Lina and me


Back and forth

Big news: I've left Sarajevo and returned to the US for several months to "figure out the next part of my life..."

It was a tough decision, and it was a very tough few months, lots of tears, some confusion, lots of goodbyes, but I know I needed to get away for a while, and now the confusion is gone--it was the right thing to do. I had a goodbye party for myself last Tuesday and was very happy to be reminded, by all the gifts and love and friends who came, how much I really have.

Well, leaving Sarajevo isn't all I've been up to these past months...I learned to create a 5 cheese vegetarian lasagna and also a chicken soy stir fry from scratch; I met the US Army General, highest up of the US presence in Sarajevo; I toured Istanbul, Bulgaria, and (undesirable parts of) Serbia; I got a clean bill of health at the dentist (visit long overdue); I watched the sequel of Bridget Jones and wished I could write and think like her (I'm just as good a writer, but not nearly clever or witty enough, which irritates me)...

I learned how to cook schnitzel and cut french fry-sized potatoes; I packed my cello yet again for overseas travel (it didn't break) and checked 3 bags into an Austrian airline for the price of two; and I finally successfully ironed the bottom of the pants I own that are always annoyingly too long.

So, out of Sarajevo now and very accomplished (as you've seen from the above), but feeling small and confused. Sarajevo is definitely not "out of me;" and that's why I've gone--I need to think a lot about the future. Things were starting to get serious and I need time to think before hurling into irreversible life decisions.

More from here later as I hobble along in life...maybe in a few months I'll kick out the crutch; right now I'm leaning very heavily on it.



I was in Split, Croatia on Saturday and Sunday...eight members of the church in Sarajevo were invited to a special service hosted by a mission ship, owned by the mission organization Operation Mobilization (OM).

Pastor Sasa has a relationship with members of the OM staff and was invited aboard the ship a few weeks ago to observe the project, and was so impressed that he asked if he could come back and bring a few members of his church with him to see the ship. So away we went!

The ship is called Logos Hope (click here for more info.), and we actually were invited to sleep on the ship Saturday night. I posted a few pictures below...

The ship has been in the shipyard in Split for months, being assembled and prepared for launching in October of this year. From here it will sail to north Germany, where the finishing touches will be added and it will hence be prepared to travel the world.

The primary purpose of the ship ministry is to distribute books around the world...Logos Hope will provide the largest "floating library" in the world. The long term OM team will remain on board for one to two years at least, and will spend time ministering to people wherever they travel, both on the ship and in the towns, cities and villages.

We got to be a part of a special service yesterday afternoon, dedicated to churches in Split who have hosted and shown hospitality to OM in their churches during the time of the ship's construction. It was exciting to be there and to hear about all that God is going to do through this unique ministry...

One of the four main engines

Captain's main hangout

9th (top) deck

The bow


Bosnian Wedding

Last Saturday I got to attend the wedding of a Bosnian couple, Samir and Svjetlana. It was a wonderful experience, and a very Bosnian one...food, wine, karaoke, the whole deal...and I caught the bride's bouquet for which I was relentlessly teased the rest of the night.

Here are a few pictures...

Pretty outdoor scene

Samir and Svjetlana saying their vows

Pastors praying for the couple

Boro and me with the newlyweds

Senka, me, Hanna and Enisa sassing it up